Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013
Crimelife 3 Team Now Hiring!
Crimelife 3 was and still is a huge project developed with Gamemaker 8.0 by a single person, me. :)
As you may already know these days I'm working on iOS games and as much as I would love to work on this again and finish it I never had the time or the enthusiasm I had back in the days. I don't want to abandon this project so that's why I decided to create a team of truthful and skilled gamemaker developers.
Crimelife 3 was and will still be a freeware game so don't expect any payment for it. You will work anytime you like.
Crimelife 3 still needs a lot of work. I will need people to work on adding new missions and more content on the game, improving the graphics and sounds and the overall experience of the game.
Skills Needed:
- At least 3 years registered on the Game Maker Community forums
- A great portfolio of games developed with Gamemaker
- Experience on 3D games developed with Gamemaker (important)
- Experienced 2D and 3D graphics artists
- Gamemaker 8.0 installed
- Ability to work well as part of a creative team
- Passion for building and playing games
- Some free time :)
As part of the team you will have to have some contact with the other teammates through Skype to work together on this.
See it as a open source project that is only available on people that I will trust.
Thats all for it.
If you want to become a member of the Crimelife 3 Team please read the post on the GMC Forums for more information on how to contact me about this here: